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Cranleigh C of E Primary School welcomes applications from parents of all faiths and none.  

The Good Shepherd Trust is the Admissions Authority for Cranleigh C of E Primary School and has agreed a Published Admission Number (PAN) of 30 children for Reception Year (age 4+ years) with the Local Authority.  Our PAN for Key Stage Two (age 7+ years) is 30.  Any child with an Education, Health and Care Plan naming the school will be admitted. 

If you have an admissions enquiry, please email:


Normal Round (September) Admission Applications

Surrey County Council centrally co-ordinates the admissions processes for Cranleigh C of E Primary School. Therefore, parents seeking a place for their child in the normal admissions round (entering Year Reception or Year 3 in September), should make an application directly to Surrey.

Further details can be found on the Surrey County Council website.


In-Year Admissions Applications

Please complete the application form at the bottom of this page and, along with the required evidence as described below, email directly to the school at

Please provide evidence of your address. The following documents are permissible: Council Tax Bill, Signed Tenancy Agreement or Solicitor’s letter confirming completion of purchase AND one of the following – Recent Utility Bill, Benefits Statement, or Bank Statement.

If your child is new to the UK, please provide the date they arrived on page 1 of the form and attach evidence of this. If your child is a British Citizen, please attach evidence of their passport, any visas, and relevant Home Office documentation.

Outcome Notification

You will be notified of the outcome of your application within 10 school days, if possible, but 15 at the latest. If your application is unsuccessful, you will be provided with the reasons for refusal and the process for making an appeal.

Please note that your child cannot be placed onto a waiting list without making an application.