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Noteworthy News

Please find news relating to the school and wider school community below.


International Principals' Forum

Kate Pelazza, Headteacher, is a member of IFIP: the International Forums of Inclusion Practitioners.  Through IFIP, she is a member of their Principals' Forum; a group of 14 international school leaders who have strongly declared their joint passion to share all they can for the better good of inclusive education on a truly global scale. Through regular meetings, a commitment to research and a belief in the sharing of excellent practice, Kate brings up-to-date practice to Cranleigh to support all her pupils.


UNESCO Global Inclusion Event, Paris

Kate Pelazza, Headteacher, was delighted to attend UNESCO's Global Inclusive Schools' Forum in Paris in March 2024. This event, in association with IFIP, was open to 400 successful applicants only from around the world and marked the 30th anniversary of The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education. 


Community Cohesion Meeting

On 26th January 2024, Headteacher Kate Pelazza held a meeting at Cranleigh C of E Primary School with the following members of the community to discuss cohesion within Cranleigh and the surrounding areas:

Angela Richardson, MP (until 5.7.24)

Liz Townsend, Councillor

Laura Snedden, Surrey Police

Roy Woodhams, St. Nicolas Church Rector

Nicola Craven-Smith, St. Nicolas Church Administrator

Nikki Batchelor, REMA

Angela Flanagan-Brown, REMA

Kate has also met with Jean-Pierre Moore, Head of Community Partnerships and Prevention for Surrey County Council.

The school has been working on actions since the meeting to ensure it is providing the very best for its children and their families.